How To Use Ampoules in Your Skincare Routine

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If you’re the kind of person who loves trying out new things and follows the latest skincare trends, ampoules may have popped up on your radar. If they haven’t yet, now’s the time to find out if they’re right for your skin.

Across Europe, ampoules are a permanent fixture in science-backed skincare — recommended in dermatologists’ offices and pharmacies alike. They’re known for their concentrated formulas, elegant presentation, and, more importantly, their stability.

Let’s take a closer look and discover when, why, and how to use ampoules in your skincare routine along with expert advice straight from the source in Barcelona — with Isdinceutics Product Manager Berta Ochoa.

What is a skincare ampoule?

When first using an ampoule in your skincare routine, an important thing to remember is that the word ampoule describes the unique, sealed package that contains a serum. So the contents are serums while the package is the ampoule. Berta clarifies, ”Skin ampoules are also known as serums-in-ampoules.” These serums are typically powerful yet minimalist formulas, focusing on specific ingredient combinations to provide your skin with targeted care.

Hyaluronic Booster ISDIN

Why are they a great format?

If you’re used to full-size plastic tubes or ceramic jars, small glass ampoules can seem out of the ordinary. But their format is one of their greatest assets. Berta explains, “Since ampoules are designed to only be opened once, the serum formulas don’t need to constantly face the elements.”

And what does that mean for your skin? These closed containers omit the need for the emulsifiers or stabilizers that larger serum formats can require — allowing for straightforward results. “Ampoules are like shots of concentrated ingredients that can be easily applied as needed,” shares Berta.

“Ampoules are like shots of concentrated ingredients that can be easily applied as needed.”

This is especially true when it comes to a certain brightening super-ingredient. Vitamin C is most effective when it’s kept stable and out of contact with the air around it, avoiding oxidation.

ISDIN Flavo-C Ultraglican Vitamin C serum in ampoule

When and where should I use ampoules in my skincare routine?

“If I’m explaining how to use ampoules to a friend (which has happened more than a few times), I always refer to them as the perfect choice for a skintervention,” laughs Berta. “A boost of brightness? Hydration? They’re a great pick for when your skin needs a little something extra.”

Another ampoule advantage: individual vials offer the flexibility to decide when, where, and how often to use them. “For me, the format is really practical. If I’m going on a quick trip, I just pack as many as I need,” she shares.

When thinking about how to add new finds to your skincare routine, it’s a good idea to focus on the texture. And remember this basic rule: light to heavy. Facial serums are typically water or oil-based, absorbing quickly into the skin. This means they’re on the lighter side, and should go into your routine after cleansing, but before moisturizing. This helps the concentrated ingredients get right to work.

Serum on model ISDIN

How do I open an ampoule?

Most skin ampoules will come with instructions on the box or packaging, so look carefully before you open them. Isdinceutics ampoules use the following set of instructions, which you can follow to safely open an ampoule during your daily skincare routine.

ISDIN Instant Flash Ampoule

1. Shake the ampoule

Gently shake the ampoule to ensure the contents mix well. This is especially important for oil-based serums. Lightly flick or tap the neck of the ampoule to ensure the serum inside settles to the bottom of the vial.

2. Break it open

To safely open the ampoule, insert it into the protective tube. To break the ampoule, push the tube down and snap the bottom of the ampoule away from you.

Open ISDIN Flavo-C Ultraglican Ampoule
Use an Instant Flash Ampoule

3. Prepare the vial

Place the special applicator tip onto the now-opened ampoule. Don’t dispense the serum without using the applicator tip, as the vial is made from delicate glass. Once the applicator tip is in place, remove the cap and dispense the serum onto your hand or directly onto your face.

4. Apply the serum

Gently massage half of the contents of the ampoule into the skin.

Apply Hyaluronic Booster serum in ampoule

How should I apply the serum?

Once you have correctly opened the ampoule and prepared it, it’s time to apply the serum. Dispense half of the serum into the palm of your hand or onto your face, and slowly begin to massage it into your skin, over the face and neck, avoiding the eye area. Using a gentle circular motion until completely absorbed, enjoy this little moment of self-care — you deserve it!

Then, place the cap back onto the applicator tip and store it until your next use. Isdinceutics ampoules should be used within 48 hours after opening, so you can use the same ampoule in your skincare routine the following morning or evening, depending on the type of serum. Berta’s favorite? “Instant Flash. I always use it before big events — whenever I really want to look and feel my best.”

Try ISDIN Instant Flash serum in ampoule

Now that you’ve seen how easy it is to add ampoules to your skincare routine, it’s time to find the perfect formula for your skin needs. Discover which serum is best for you.

Telang PS. Vitamin C in dermatology. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2013 Apr;4(2):143-6. doi: 10.4103/2229-5178.110593. PMID: 23741676; PMCID: PMC3673383.

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